Don’t Wait for Pokémon – Go!
Last updated by Renier Delport |
If you are reading this, you probably already know about Pokémon Go, so I'm not going to say anything more about this awesome game. I was very reluctant at first, but after the upgraded 'bootleg' version was released I was Poké-balled right into it. My thought being that this was going to be the next best thing for this decade - and it will. #pokemonkznsc Read more...
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WPtouch Logo Make Your Site Mobile Friendly With WPtouch. Easily, Simply & Elegantly
Last updated by Renier Delport |
If you're into web design there was a lot of hype lately about Google search giving more/higher preference to mobile friendly sites. Read more...
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Why Flipboard is not so bad after all! Why Flipboard Is Not So Bad After All!
Last updated by Renier Delport |
So when I was initially introduced to Flipboard on my iPad, I was quite excited about the idea. Your own iPad magazine. Awesome! Read more...
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Introducing Pocket Introducing Pocket!
Last updated by Renier Delport |
One of the newer social media related apps I came across lately was Pocket. This is such an awesome little app that I had to share it. Its mind boggling simplicity, yet handiness makes it something everyone should at least check out. Read more...
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